Our life source

Water. Wet. cold, warm, liquid, frozen, steam. These are the many ways we can see and feel water. Its important that we know that we should pay great respect for the water. great oceans is out there with their currents, tides and waves.

Water is also full of life and it has memories. Just think about what all the rivers and lakes could tell us if they could speak. Our bodies are filled with up to 50-65% water so be gentle to yourself and how you use your language, your body might not like it.

Take a look at Dr Masaru Emotos video and see his experiment with water. It is pretty awesome.You might start thinking in another way then before.

I have lived my last 7 years connected to the water and I can feel its power by the unspoken stories it tells me at night while rocking me to sleep.

Here is Europe we have relative clean water but I suggest that you always filter your water anyway as now days normal drink water has a lot of added toxic like fluoride and bacteria’s. We got sponsored from a Company called Clearly Filtered with one of their pitcher that filters away 90% of the fluoride and harmful corcinogens and contaminants that can be found in your tap water. Thanks a lot for this. We now have the cleanest water on the block. 🙂

4 thoughts on “Our life source

  1. Looks like a great product! And filtered water tastes better, too! We’re sponsored by Katadyn, who make desalinators, filters, and purifiers – it’s made a huge difference to our sailing, both on passage and in places with less-than-drinkable water.

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